This plugin provides support for J2EE applications which run either in a servlet or in an EJB container. It allows creating packages of the specific format and delivers targets to control the different servers. The plugin has four distinct parts:

  1. Support for WAR files
  2. Web container support
  3. Support for EAR files
  4. EJB container support

The following presents each of them.

Remark: The multi environment support simplifies the usage of this plugin because it homogenizes among different web and EJB containers respectively. Using the environment support moves all attributes into property files and the plugins are declared using two special properties within the product-specific property file. See PluginEnvironment for details.


This plugin provides support to generate a J2EE WAR file (web archive with .war extension). The content of the WAR must be stored in the webapp/ directory of modules.


  <plugin name="j2ee-war">
    <attribute name="j2ee-war.jar.excludes" value="servlet-api-*.jar"/>


  • runtime, automatically included if not explicitly declared.


If your module or module execution unit can be deployed as a WAR, the following attribute is needed to create the archive module-eu.war (or module.war if no execution unit)

    <attribute name="j2ee.war.application" value=""/>

If you want your WAR application name to be mywebapp, then you can set the j2ee.war.application attribute to that value. The archive mywebapp.war will be generated by the create.war target.

    <attribute name="j2ee.war.application" value="mywebapp"/>

The module dependency order is used to copy files with the same name in different webapp/ directories. If A depends on B, A/webapp/file.html replaces B/webapp/file.html in the WAR.

To speed up WAR generation, you can set the global attribute j2ee-war.unpacked to true. Instead of adding execution unit jar file in WEB-INF/lib (equivalent to the runtime classpath), it aggregates the classes/ directory content into WEB-INF/classes (equivalent to the development runtime classpath, not execution-unit aware). In that case, the whole module content (classes and resources) are available in the WAR file without considering execution unit filters.

Warning: the target create.war assumes your project compilation is up-to-date in case j2ee-war.unpacked is true, or else your project jars are up-to-date. From the command line, it is wiser to invoke ant compile create.war.module.eu.mymodule.myeu or ant jars create.war.module.eu.mymodule.myeu.


  • create.war.module.eu generates the execution unit WAR for a module without compiling or building jars before. Shortcuts are generated.
  • create.wars generates the WAR for all supported execution units. It calls create.war.module.eu.



  • j2ee-war.unpacked may be set to true to aggregate module classes directory in WEB-INF/classes instead of using execution unit jars (included in WEB-INF/lib in that case). Default is false.
  • j2ee-war.jar.excludes is a Ant exclusion filter to prevent some jar files to be included in WEB-INF/lib directory.

Per execution unit

  • j2ee.war.application marks the module execution unit to enable WAR generation. If the attribute has empty string value, the name of the module execution unit is used as application name by default.
  • j2ee-war.jar.excludes is the module execution unit specific filter, appended to the global attributes, when the WAR is generated for the concerned module.


  • pre.war.[module].[eu] and post.war.[module].[eu] called in create.war.module.eu

J2EE Web Tomcat support

This plugin directly extends j2ee-war with Tomcat support. It provides targets to start and stop Tomcat and to deploy or update a WAR as a Tomcat application. It has been tested with versions 4.1.30 and 5.0.27.


  • runtime, automatically included if not explicitly declared.
  • j2ee-war, automatically included if not explicitly declared.


  <plugin name="j2ee-web-tomcat">
    <attribute name="j2ee-web.container" value="tomcat"/>
    <attribute name="j2ee-web.home" value="../jakarta-tomcat-5.0.27"/>
    <attribute name="j2ee-web.host" value="localhost"/>
    <attribute name="j2ee-web.port" value="8080"/>
    <attribute name="j2ee-web.manager.username" value="admin"/>
    <attribute name="j2ee-web.manager.password" value="password"/>
    <attribute name="j2ee-web-tomcat.baseurl" value="http://localhost:8080"/>

You have to specify where your Tomcat server is installed and the username/password of a user defined in conf/tomcat-users.xml with role manager to enable application reloading.

The module configuration must be done as described in the j2ee-war plugin documentation. In addition, the attribute runtime.command.creator is automatically added by the plugin for the concerned execution unit which enables to start tomcat during application deployment.

When you're developing your WAR content in module webapp/ directories (HTML, JSP, ...), you may want to speed up the WAR deployment with the unpacked flag (WEB-INF/classes) and the directory mode (the WAR is not packed) by adding the following two plugin attributes:

  <plugin name="j2ee-web-tomcat">
    <attribute name="j2ee-war.unpacked" value="true"/>
    <attribute name="j2ee-web.mode" value="directory"/>


  • deploy.war.module.eu deploys the execution unit WAR content in Tomcat webapps/ directory, starts Tomcat (without runtime hooks) if needed or else asks for application reloading. If the target has started Tomcat, it goes on running until Ctrl-C is hit. Shortcuts are generated
  • runtime.command.creator.web is the runtime command creator used to start Tomcat.
  • start.web starts Tomcat which goes on running until Ctrl-C is hit or until stop.web is executed.
  • stop.web stops the running Tomcat instance.



  • j2ee-web.home is the directory where the Tomcat server is installed. Mandatory, no default value.
  • j2ee-web.host is the Tomcat server's host name or IP address. Mandatory, no default value.
  • j2ee-web.port is the Tomcat server configuration port. Mandatory, no default value.
  • j2ee-web.manager.username is the username of a user with manager role in Tomcat users. Mandatory, no default value.
  • j2ee-web.manager.password is the password of the previously defined username. Mandatory, no default value.
  • j2ee-web.mode may set to directory, war or war+directory. If the mode contains directory, the WAR content is copied in applications/appname/. If the mode contains war, the file applications/appname.war is packed. Default value is war.
  • j2ee-war-tomcat.baseurl is the Tomcat server configuration URL. Optional, the default value is http://<j2ee-web.host>:<j2ee-web.port>


  • Be able to package the WAR WEB-INF/classes with exact execution-unit aware content

J2EE Web WebLogic Server support

This plugin directly extends j2ee-war with WebLogic Server support. It provides targets to start WLS and to deploy or update a WAR in WLS. It has been tested with WebLogic Server 8.1.


  • runtime, automatically included if not explicitly declared.
  • j2ee-war, automatically included if not explicitly declared.


  <plugin name="j2ee-web-weblogic" file="buildsystem/j2ee/war-weblogic.xml">
    <attribute name="j2ee-web.container" value="weblogic"/>
    <attribute name="j2ee-war.unpacked" value="true"/>
    <attribute name="j2ee-web.mode" value="war"/>
    <attribute name="j2ee-web.home" value="../external-tools/weblogic"/>
    <attribute name="j2ee-web.host" value="localhost"/>
    <attribute name="j2ee-web.port" value="7001"/>
    <attribute name="j2ee-web.manager.username" value="weblogic"/>
    <attribute name="j2ee-web.manager.password" value="password"/>
    <attribute name="j2ee-web-weblogic.beahome" value="../../bea"/>
    <attribute name="j2ee-web-weblogic.server" value="myserver"/>

The following configuration expects many things from the WLS installation:

  • WebLogic server installation location in j2ee-web.home
  • BEA home directory in j2ee-web-weblogic.beahome
  • A domain to use (may be created with a wizard) in j2ee-web-weblogic.domain
  • A server name available in the domain in j2ee-web-weblogic.server
  • The server port, by default 7001 in j2ee-web.port
  • The username and password for the domain administrator in j2ee-web.manager.username and j2ee-web.manager.password.

Moreover, the WebLogic domain must have been configured in development mode to enable automatic update of the application.


  • deploy.war.module.eu deploys the execution unit WAR content in the WLS domain applications/ directory and starts the server if needed. If the target has started WLS, it goes on running until Ctrl-C. Shortcuts are generated
  • runtime.command.creator.web is the runtime command creator used to start WebLogic Server.
  • start.web starts WebLogic which goes on running until Ctrl-C or until stop.web is executed.
  • stop.web stops the running WebLogic instance.



  • j2ee-web.home is the directory where the Weblogic server is installed. Mandatory, no default value.
  • j2ee-web-weblogic.beahome is the BEA home directory. Mandatory, no default value.
  • j2ee-web-weblogic.domain is the WebLogic domain directory where the configuration can be found. Mandatory, no default value.
  • j2ee-web-weblogic.server is the WebLogic server name configured in the previously defined domain. Mandatory, no default value.
  • j2ee-web.host is the Weblogic server's host name or IP address. Mandatory, no default value.
  • j2ee-web.port is the Weblogic server configuration port. Mandatory, no default value.
  • j2ee-web.manager.username is the domain administrator username in Weblogic users. Mandatory, no default value.
  • j2ee-web.manager.password is the password of the previously defined username. Mandatory, no default value.
  • j2ee-web.mode may set to directory, war or war+directory. If the mode contains directory, the WAR content is copied in applications/appname/. If the mode contains war, the file applications/appname.war is packed. Default value is war.


  • Be able to package the WAR WEB-INF/classes with exact execution unit aware content


This plugin provides support to generate a J2EE EAR file (enterprise archive with .ear extension).


  <plugin name="j2ee-ear">
    <attribute name="j2ee-ear.jar.excludes" value="j2ee-*.jar"/>


  • runtime, automatically included if not explicitly declared.


If your module or module execution unit can be deployed as an EAR, the following attribute is needed to create the archive module-eu.ear (or module.ear if no execution unit)

    <attribute name="j2ee.ear.application"/>

Warning: the target create.ear assumes your project compilation is up-to-date in case j2ee-ear.unpacked is true, or else your project jars are up-to-date. From the command line, it is wiser to invoke ant compile create.ear.module.eu.mymodule.myeu or ant jars create.ear.module.eu.mymodule.myeu.


  • create.ear.module.eu generates the execution unit EAR for a module without compiling or building jars before. Shortcuts are generated.
  • create.ears generates the EAR for all supported execution units. It calls create.ear.module.eu.



  • j2ee-ear.jar.excludes is a Ant exclusion filter to prevent some jar files to be included.

Per execution unit

  • j2ee.ear.application marks the module execution unit to enable EAR generation. If the attribute has no value, the name of the module execution unit is used as application name by default.
  • j2ee-ear.jar.excludes is the module execution unit specific filter, appended to the global attributes, when the EAR is generated for the concerned module.
  • j2ee.ear.dd points to the ear deployment descriptor file.


  • pre.ear.[module].[eu] and post.ear.[module].[eu] called in create.ear.module.eu

J2EE EJB JBoss support

This plugin directly extends j2ee-ear with JBoss support. It provides targets to start and stop JBoss and to deploy or update an EAR as a EJB application. It has been tested with version 4.0.2.


  • runtime, automatically included if not explicitly declared.
  • j2ee-ear, automatically included if not explicitly declared.


  <plugin name="j2ee-ejb-jboss">
    <attribute name="j2ee-ejb.container" value="jboss"/>
    <attribute name="j2ee-ejb.home" value="../external-tools/jboss"/>
    <attribute name="j2ee-ejb.host" value="localhost"/>
    <attribute name="j2ee-ejb.port" value="1099"/>
    <attribute name="j2ee-ejb-jboss.deploypath" value="../external-tools/jboss/server/default/deploy"/>

You have to specify where your JBoss server is installed. The module configuration must be done as described in the j2ee-ear plugin documentation. In addition, the attribute runtime.command.creator is automatically added by the plugin for the concerned execution unit which enables to start JBoss during application deployment.


  • deploy.ear.module.eu deploys the execution unit EAR content to JBoss. Shortcuts are generated
  • runtime.command.creator.ejb is the runtime command creator used to start JBoss.
  • start.ejb starts JBoss which goes on running until Ctrl-C is hit or until stop.ejb is executed.
  • stop.ejb stops the running JBoss instance.



  • j2ee-ejb.home is the directory where the WebLogic server is installed. Mandatory, no default value.
  • j2ee-ejb.host is the JBoss server's name or IP address. Mandatory, no default value.
  • j2ee-ejb.port is the WebLogic server configuration port. Mandatory, no default value.
  • j2ee-ejb-jobss.deploypath is the path where EARs are copied to during deployment.

J2EE EJB WebLogic support

This plugin directly extends j2ee-ear with WebLogic support. It provides targets to start and stop WebLogic and to deploy or update an EAR as a EJB application. It has been tested with version 8.1.


  • runtime, automatically included if not explicitly declared.
  • j2ee-ear, automatically included if not explicitly declared.


  <plugin name="j2ee-ejb-weblogic">
    <attribute name="j2ee-ejb.container" value="weblogic"/>
    <attribute name="j2ee-ejb.home" value="../external-tools/weblogic"/>
    <attribute name="j2ee-ejb.host" value="localhost"/>
    <attribute name="j2ee-ejb.port" value="7001"/>
    <attribute name="j2ee-ejb.manager.username" value="weblogic"/>
    <attribute name="j2ee-ejb.manager.password" value="password"/>
    <attribute name="j2ee-ejb-weblogic.beahome" value="../../bea"/>
    <attribute name="j2ee-ejb-weblogic.server" value="myserver"/>

You have to specify where your WebLogic server is installed. The module configuration must be done as described in the j2ee-ear plugin documentation. In addition, the attribute runtime.command.creator is automatically added for the concerned execution unit to be able to start WebLogic when deploying.


  • deploy.ear.module.eu deploys the execution unit EAR content to WebLogic. Shortcuts are generated
  • runtime.command.creator.ejb is the runtime command creator used to start WebLogic.
  • start.ejb starts WebLogic which goes on running until Ctrl-C is hit or until stop.ejb is executed.
  • stop.ejb stops the running WebLogic instance.



  • j2ee-ejb.home is the directory where the Weblogic server is installed. Mandatory, no default value.
  • j2ee-ejb-weblogic.beahome is the BEA home directory. Mandatory, no default value.
  • j2ee-ejb-weblogic.domain is the WebLogic domain directory where the configuration can be found. Mandatory, no default value.
  • j2ee-ejb-weblogic.server is the WebLogic server name configured in the previously defined domain. Mandatory, no default value.
  • j2ee-ejb.host is the Weblogic server's host name or IP address. Mandatory, no default value.
  • j2ee-ejb.port is the Weblogic server configuration port. Mandatory, no default value.
  • j2ee-ejb.manager.username is the domain administrator username in Weblogic users. Mandatory, no default value.
  • j2ee-ejb.manager.password is the password of the previously defined username. Mandatory, no default value.


Move from custom Ant scripts to Cargo, which unifies the control (start, stop, deploy) of different J2EE containers. There's currently no support for JBoss (work in progress and planned for next release, 0.7).

Revision: r1.17 - 26 Jun 2006 - 15:21 - YvesMartin
EL4Ant > PlugIns > PluginJ2EE
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